

Kennoway Community Shed is a place for anyone over the age of 18. People who may be retired, unemployed, lonely or not able to work just now.

The Shed aims to help people feel part of something, achieve or learn new skills, be happier, and make a difference to the village where they stay. People can meet new friends with whom they could go for a walk, play bowls, go golfing or even go on holiday with!

We currently attract around 50 people every Tuesday and Friday where we meet at Cotlands Park in Kennoway KY8 5HX. (click here to open the map)

We are here to encourage one another, support one another and just enjoy each others company.

We strive to improve our village through various projects – flower planters, bird boxes, squirrel boxes, etc. These kinds of projects can be made through upcycling old bits of wood from pallets or other sources. We also have a fantastic polytunnel where we can  plant wildflowers and shrubs. The group it is hoped will be active in improving the town centre, and green spaces, which in turn makes our village cleaner and the streets safer. People who come along can even learn cooking / baking, making cheap and nutritious meals, cross-stitch, greeting cards, build model boat kits then see it working in the water, learn basic computer skills, look at old photos and talk about the good auld days or just chat over a cuppa and set the world to rights.

In meeting with Fife Councils priorities we can offer increased volunteering opportunities, involving communities in a regeneration area, improving health related outcomes in the Levenmouth area across all ages.

Interested? Why don’t you come along and give the group a try.

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